Are flow meters for fire pump testing ever mandatory? Or are they only provided as a convenience to the owner so that fire pump testing does not have to discharge significant amounts of water to the outside?
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Was there ever a time when fire department connections were not required for fire sprinkler systems? I have some private campus buildings that don't have a fire department connection. Some have a single site connection that feed multiple buildings, but others don't appear to have one at all. Just curious if there was ever a code justification for this.
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe Is there any situation where travel distance is not measured using right angles and travel parallel/orthogonal to walls? Also, how close must travel distance be measured from adjacent walls?
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe What is the lowest demand pressure and flow you've come across for an ESFR system?
Looking big-picture at owner storage options early in a project (when we might have an idea on available pressure but don't yet have a plan to work from), the minimum flow and pressure we've come across as a minimum was 73 psi at 1,450 gpm. It was using (12) K25.2 sprinklers at 15 psi (minimum storage heights and a 250 gpm hose allowance). If we don't even have this supply, I typically anticipate a fire pump. Have you seen any demands lower than this? Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe Have a small five-story restaurant and apartment building (each floor level is only 3,000 sqft), and it's under NFPA 13-2010. Is each floor level of the sprinkler system required to have it's own isolation valve and flow switch?
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe What closeout documents should contractors supply at the end of a fire sprinkler installation?
The ones we typically expect to see are (1) as-builts, (2) test certificate for aboveground pipe, (3) test certificate for underground pipe, and then (4) warranty and product data for the owner. Are we missing anything? Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe Where does the requirement for a post-indicating valve originate? If I only have a sprinkler system, is a post-indicating valve required?
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe Would you consider a kitchen with only an oven/stovetop unit in a primary residential building to be considered Light or Ordinary Hazard for sprinkler protection?
NFPA 13 annex material states that commercial kitchens should be considered OH1, while "Residential" areas are Light Hazard. Interested in others' input on this. Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe When a backflow preventer needs to be replaced, can the two isolation valves remain in place, closed, and only the center body of the backflow be inserted in-between these isolation valves?
Would this violate the listing on the assembly if it's a one-for-one replacement? If the backflow is listed as an entire assembly, then it seems as though an additional isolation valve on the supply-side of the backflow preventer would often be needed to shut off the system just in order to replace the backflow preventer. Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe What is the maximum throw for a horizontal sidewall sprinkler? Just looking for a typical extended coverage sprinkler, not a dry-type.
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe There's a jurisdiction that is considering requiring "Fire Fighter Air Replenishment System" or as I understand it a standpipe-for-air system. Has anyone designed these systems?
The International Fire Code (Appendix L) provides requirements for the system - my only concern is the size and storage of pressurized oxygen tanks either in or near the stairwells and the potentially increased hazard they could be in a fire. Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe Many fire pump arrangements I've seen include flanged fittings and pipe connections on the suction side of the fire pump. Is there a requirement for this?
Are grooved connections allowed for pipes and fittings on the suction side of the pump assembly? Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe My company has recently re-evaluated how we take measurements onsite in the hope that we can find better/faster solutions than running tape measures to nearby structure. We create shop/installation drawings, to precision in measuring parts of existing systems is important.
What do you use when on job sites? Tape? Laser Measure? 360 cameras? Has anyone had any luck using laser scanners or photometrics for measurements? Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe A fire marshal is requesting a wall hydrant on the backside of a project where there is limited access. Is there a prescriptive flow that needs to be calculated at this location?
This project is considered a high-rise (8 stories) and does have a fire pump. He has already requested there be 100 psi available at the wall hydrant. Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe A big thank you to those who chimed in during this past month - thanks for making this a more positive and helpful community! Top Contributors for November:
We're looking into some basic-level risk assessment for an owner, and I'm seeking any data concerning the actual frequency that fires occur for different types of facilities. For instance - in a 12,000 sqft office building, how likely would a fire be to occur in a year?
Where is a good starting point for gathering this type of information? Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe |
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