This post-exam survey is the single-most helpful way we gather feedback from the exam. The 2017 survey results helped us refine topics, add more content, improve the quality of questions, and improve the 2018 Prep Guide. We are constantly trying to improve our questions, prep guide, and other online material to help you pass.
If you have just taken the PE Exam, please take just a few minutes and give us your feedback through this quick survey. If it doesn't appear below, you can view the complete survey here. Thank you in advance for your feedback! A project that has evidence storage will have a new fire sprinkler system. The storage is anticipated to be solid back-to-back shelves no more than about 8 feet in height, but will hold crime evidence which could and will likely include firearms. What sprinkler design density is required for this area?
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe. A retrofit project has very low floor-to-floor heights where we need to install floor control assemblies within the stairwells. Is there a minimum "head height" for the pipe that it needs to be installed above the floor if the pipe isn't against a wall?
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this | Subscribe. When are pressure relief valves required for fire pumps, and what is their intended purpose? There's a wide variety of pump arrangements and many don't include pressure relief valves.
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this here. We're in the process of reviewing our specifications against industry markers and I'm interested in comparing major differences in owner-driven specifications (not NFPA, FM, XL GAPS, or other insurance standards). What clients do others work with that they find represent good practice for the industry?
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this here. Have a project which requires very tight coordination between sprinkler and ductwork. The ductwork will be lined with insulation which could come in contact with the black steel fire sprinkler pipe. Is there a minimum clearance required that wouldn't permit this contact by code?
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this here. A big pat on the back for all of the 2018 Weekly Exam participants - there are a lot of hours and a lot of work on preparing, taking, and analyzing the 200+ questions that have come through over the last five months. This year we're happy to award new glass plaques for the Top 3 in the season standings, which are: Another Bad Summer, Princess and the PE, and JT. Congrats! The Final Leaderboard lists the total scores for the entire 20-week season for each Weekly Exam participant.
2015 NFPA 101: A college classroom building is a Business occupancy. For occupant load relative to the classrooms, do you use the Educational amount of 20 SF net or do you use the Business square-footage amount? In the past, we’ve used the Education load because it seemed logical; but is this correct?
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this here. Want to join in? It's not too late - the Weekly Exam is the ultimate PE Prep tool. It's a series of 1-hour, 10-question simulated PE Exams offered weekly with solutions immediately following each exam. Learn more here. Every week of the series is retroactive so you can still test yourself with past week exams
Where can I find presentations or references on the differences between NFPA 13-2016 and 2019 editions?
Posted anonymously by a member for discussion. Discuss this here. Want to join in? It's not too late - the Weekly Exam is the ultimate PE Prep tool. It's a series of 1-hour, 10-question simulated PE Exams offered weekly with solutions immediately following each exam. Learn more here. Every week of the series is retroactive so you can still test yourself with past week exams
Want to join in? It's not too late - the Weekly Exam is the ultimate PE Prep tool. It's a series of 1-hour, 10-question simulated PE Exams offered weekly with solutions immediately following each exam. Learn more here. Every week of the series is retroactive so you can still test yourself with past week exams.
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