We are looking to purchase a new software package to design and calc sprinkler systems. Just curious what others would recommend. Thanks in advance.
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When you have a sprinkler system with a combined fire and domestic water service, at what point do you separate the plumbing contractor's scope versus the sprinkler contractor's scope, and why?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. An 18-inch deep x 3-foot wide duct is located with the top of the duct 20 inches below the upright sprinkler deflector. The sprinkler is centered above the duct. NFPA 13 (2016 Edition) has the 3x rule ( which only applies to structural members in light and ordinary occupancies, and the duct is not over 4-feet wide which would require sprinklers by Is this arrangement acceptable by code?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. For a typical fire pump room, what is the required NEMA enclosure rating for a fire pump controller?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. Is there a general rule of thumb with regards to sizing hub drains? Most of mine draining has been to exterior on to splash box, but lately hub drains have come into play.
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. For duct smoke detector functionality testing, is there guidelines to use either aerosol spray, smoke bomb, or magnet? Which are acceptable method(s)?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. We're planning early stages of design for a new construction building, and the architect and owner are asking for a summary of benefits for the installation of fire sprinklers. This particular facility could use a NFPA 13 or NFPA 13R system and is under the 2015 IBC.
Aside from Allowable Building Area, Allowable Building Height, and Allowable Building Stories, what are other code benefits to providing sprinklers provide? Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. What free educational videos covering fire alarm, sprinkler or life safety have you found helpful? Just looking to see what other resources people might recommend.
Note: This question was submitted to us as part of our Daily Discussion series. Discuss this post here. Why are pipe cut-outs (or coupons) required to be hung outside of pipe connections?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. What is the difference between malleable and cast iron? Is there a preference between the two for use in sprinkler or clean agent system fittings?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit Your Own Question or Discuss This Here. Daily Discussion (today's anonymously submitted question): Reviewing the Example 2 on SFPE (4th) page 4-307, could not understand how it is W/D = 0.67 lb/ft-in. Here is the effort:
D: As per figure 4-11.10 on page 4-305 D = 2(a + b) So, Added 2.5 inches to beam flange, a becomes 9.035, and b becomes 10.56 D = 2(9.035 + 10.56) D = 2(19.595) D = 39.19 W/D = 94.55 ÷ 39.19 = 2.413 What is not right? Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit Your Own Question or Discuss This Here.
We have never used a flowmeter with a bypass to conduct annual fire pump tests, but have been asked to explore the option in an effort to save water. Using a flowmeter and test bypass for a fire pump, would a test header still be required? For those in areas with strong water conservation, do you have any recommendations on things to look out for?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit Your Own Question or Discuss This Here. A healthcare system standard states to allow for Light Hazard sprinkler spacing, but require Ordinary Hazard hydraulic calculation and pipe sizing. Has anyone done this before?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit Your Question or Discuss This Here. Where does the requirement for a post-indicating valve originate? If I only have a sprinkler system, is a post-indicating valve required?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. What is the best method for cleaning sprinklers? If they're greasy and yellow, do they require replacement?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. We have a project on a corporate campus that has a large and old (approximately 1940's) water main loop that serves multiple buildings' sprinkler systems. There has been a rupture within the past three years, and the owner is wondering what methods exist to test whether the pipes are leaking and how significant the leakage is. Any ideas?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. NFPA 72 (2016) Edition 10.4.1 states that all systems "are to be installed in accordance with plans approved by the AHJ." When designing your fire alarm system, what do you frequently coordinate with the AHJ? If you're an AHJ, what questions are you commonly asked from fire alarm designers?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. A high rise building has pressures of 9 kg/cm^2 (128 psi) at its lowest floor. What does NFPA 13 require in regards to the high pressure or standard industry practice suggest to reduce pressure at the lowest levels? Should an orifice plate be used?
Note: This is a Daily Discussion question submitted anonymously to us. Submit a Question or Discuss This Here. An existing, non-sprinklered 2,800 sqft single-story building is divided into (2) 1,400 sqft restaurants. The division between the restaurants is a 2-hour rated wall.
The owner would like to remove the dividing wall to create a single 2,800 sqft restaurant. Will the removal of this wall prompt a requirement for sprinklers to be installed in the building? This project is under the International Building Code. We have about 5 kitchen hoods in a restaurant, all connected to Ansul systems, then tying into a Halton pollution control unit. Halton is stating we need a fire protection system inside the ductwork within 15’ from it's unit. Who typically designs this system and would it be another Ansul system? The fire protection engineer of record only does water...
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