From the 2023 Edition of NFPA 855, Section 14.6.4 "Outdoor storage areas with an aggregate area greater than 400 sqft (37.1 sqm) shall be provided with a fire alarm system activated by a radiant-energy detection system with occupant notification installed in accordance with NFPA 72."
How do you interpret this requirement if there is outdoor storage of Li-Ion batteries without any sort of structure and 300' from any building, and there are no occupants to notify? Thanks for your help! Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
What is the recommended practice to protect Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)?
NFPA 855 states that if the BESS is not a walk-in unit, then fire suppression is not required. How do you define a "walk-in unit"? If any suppression is not required in side the unit, is there any requirement for systems protecting the outside? Thanks in advance. Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe With electric vehicles taking the world by storm, how do you anticipate killing fires on these vehicles?
What elements are crucial on the firefighting side? Battery explosions can happen anytime and anywhere, but what measures should be considered? A wide question I know, but this is something I'm battling with as an AHJ. Thanks in advance. Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe [Moderator's note: since the first lithium battery question a few weeks ago, we've been flooded with more questions on the topic. We'll do our best to not overburden everyone here but still keep with the topics people are asking. As always, we're thankful for you all!]
Could anybody point out some publications that deal specifically with the ventilation of lithium-ion batteries during off-gassing and how the ventilation should be controlled? I am familiar with FM Global Loss Prevention Datasheet, and NFPA 855, and I went through some publications such as FIA, however from those I only get that there should be sufficient ventilation. I am more interested in the off-gas detection part of the design. The ventilation should be turned on and ESS turned off at the first sign of explosive gasses, but what gasses should those be? H2, CO, C2H4, CH4, or all mentioned in a combination? Not sure how to proceed in this. Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe |
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