How is it determined whether a steel structure will have spray-applied fire resistant materials?
I'm creating performance specification for a bid-set on a project, so I don't yet have input from a structural engineer. The project is a warehouse with large fire loads and exposed steel. Recently, a project out for bid is a low-rise office building, 100% sprinklered with a wet-pipe system that is concealed by a suspended ceiling. On that project, all of the structural steel has spray-applied fire resistant materials. What drives the issue of spray-applied fire resistive materials? Thanks in advance. Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
Corey Eppinghaus
4/28/2022 08:08:05 am
In Canada this would be dictated by the 3.2.2 building designation or if the floor is a fire separation with a FRR, some roof systems also require it under the 3.2.2 but adding sprinklers can wave that requirement. So in short the code that has been adopted by the AHJ would dictate when you need to protect steel.
Glenn Berger
4/28/2022 08:08:27 am
The use of spray-applied fire resistive materials is derived from a code analysis. For the IBC, you need to match up the occupancy, with the building area, number of floors, etc. and then determine the applicable construction type. Once know if fire resistive construction is required, then the method of achieving the rating is up to the design team.
4/28/2022 08:10:56 am
Per the IBC Unprotected non combustible materials can be used for construction types up to type IIB...after that various aspects of the structure must be protected in some manner...if the structure exceeds the allowable area or height for IIB then you need to start providing protection.
Todd E Wyatt
4/28/2022 08:13:48 am
The Type of Construction (TOC) of the building determines the required fire-resistance rating (FRR) of the "Building Elements" (e.g. structure).
4/28/2022 08:50:02 am
4/28/2022 08:54:10 am
The requirement is via IBC. Once the design team determines that fire-resistive measures are needed, the spray applied fire resistive material is an option.
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