In regards to a trapeze pipe support, isn't there an option to size the rod that connects structure to the trapeze pipe separately from the rod from the trapeze pipe to sprinkler pipe?
Couldn't that be two separate calculations considering there are two rods for the trapeze and only one to the sprinkler main? Thanks in advance. Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
1/4/2024 08:10:13 am
I'm not sure if I understand your question fully, but to size the rods, NFPA 13 (2013) Table should be used.
Pete H
1/4/2024 09:07:22 am
Table in 2022 edition, but other than section it looks virtually unchanged
Dan Wilder
1/4/2024 08:34:28 am
NFPA 13 - 2019
1/5/2024 07:27:35 am
I agree with Dan here, especially with the use of the 200H. Those seem to be forgotten every time with trap hangers.
Casey Milhorn
1/4/2024 11:02:45 am
As Dan said, it is possible if you involve a structural engineer. If the project is large enough, and you have a line on an economical structural engineer, it might pay off, but unlikely.
1/4/2024 11:10:54 am
Incorrectly-sized trapeze hangers components is one the most common review comments I make. As Dan pasted above, “All components of each hanger assembly that attach to a trapeze member shall conform to 17.1.6 and be sized to support the suspended sprinkler pipe.” By that I interpret that as EACH component. The NFPA #13 Handbook has a long commentary on this including, “One of the most common mistakes with pipe trapezes is to use an incorrect ring, rod, and/or attachment size.” Violations include ring-to-ring hangers that do not utilize special trapeze rings, trapezes whose ends are suspended by say, 3/8-in rod yet supporting a 6-in diameter pipe. Short of a specifically-engineered hangar assembly, about the only part you can get creative with on trapeze hangers is where along the trapeze the pipe is being suspended.
Glenn Berger
1/4/2024 02:16:27 pm
Dan nailed it. When reviewing submittals I prefer to see standard and approved designs that apply to the specific project.
1/10/2024 12:52:41 pm
A sprinkler pipe may not always be at the center of the trapeze structural member. In the worst-case scenario, the rod (very) close to the sprinkler pipe will carry almost all the load (i.e., as if it alone is supporting the pipe). Therefore, an option of sizing the rod size by special structural calculation which must be signed by a PE, is not provided.
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