I have a building that has both a free standing fire department connection (FDC) and a post-indicator valve (PIV) out at the drive entrance to the single-story building as requested by the Fire Marshal.
Construction has now started up for the site and the Fire Marshal is saying there is a code requirement for the PIV and FDC to be 50-ft apart and wants them moved. He is unsure of the exact distance, but he insists this is a code requirement and that it's not a local requirement. For reference, we are under the 2015 IBC/IFC and 2013 NFPA code editions. Is there any requirement for the PIV and FDC to be 50-ft apart? I cannot find any requirement like this in the IBC, IFC, or NFPA 13 or 24. There are sections in both NFPA 13 and 24 that vaguely say PIVs shall be protected against mechanical damage, but they give no minimum distance from objects. IFC/IBC both list minimum 36-in clearance around the FDC. I think the Fire Marshal might be confusing the 40ft requirement from buildings for the PIV, or, this is a local preference, but they do insist otherwise. I know at the end of the day the Fire Marshal gets whatever they want for the PIV and FDC placement, but I really want to make sure that there is not some hidden requirement I cannot find. Thanks in advance. Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
Glenn Berger
1/17/2024 08:17:35 am
NFPA 24 has a "basic" requirement of 40 feet for hydrants and PIVs from buildings. Many exceptions and deviations have been allowed.
1/17/2024 08:46:57 am
As illuded to in the previous comment, NFPA 24 is the Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances. The key word here is private mains used in industrial complexes, oil & gas, nuclear, etc., as compared to a public utility service.
Dan Wilder
1/17/2024 08:58:42 am
I think he is mixing up the Collapse Zone requirements for the building (in general for personnel and apparatus) to the valves themselves, which is typically 1.5x the height of the exterior wall.
1/17/2024 12:34:02 pm
Agree with Dan here. I think the local FM is getting a couple different things confused.
Colin Lusher
1/17/2024 04:47:57 pm
This is the best answer, your AHJ is confused. There is no separation requirement between FDC and PIV.
Ivan Humberson
1/17/2024 09:04:48 am
IMHO, as a retired code official, the AHJ should be the one to provide the code section they are citing that requires this - I always stressed to my staff that anytime they required something to be changed, they needed to provide the code section reference for the requirement.
1/17/2024 10:24:28 am
great answer!
Pete H
1/17/2024 11:55:56 am
Yeah, I can't find a direct code requirement for this 50' separation.
Jerry Clark
1/17/2024 01:01:26 pm
Please...PLEASE! Stop saying the AHJ gets what the AHJ wants. The AHJ cannot just magically require something if it is not included in a legally adopted code or standard, PERIOD! And as stated in another response, it's on the AHJ to provide the exact code citation, not for you to try and figure out what the heck they're talking about.
Pete D.
1/17/2024 09:18:47 pm
There is a 100 ft. max requirement between the FDC and the public hydrant intended for the pumper to draw suction water from. I have seen code adoption in select jurisdictions reduce this to 50 feet. Saginaw comes to mind. Additionally, your AHJ may be confusing a PIV with a WPIV, and if the valve in reference is a WPIV, I think the FDC should fall outside of the collapse zone measured from the exterior wall, which is where WPIVs are located.
Dean Melanson
1/18/2024 02:55:48 pm
I believe that the 100 foot max distance of the FDC to hydrant is only for standpipe FDC's. I do not believe that there is any requirements for the hydrant to FDC for sprinkler systems. I cannot find anywhere that the FDC and PIV must be any distance apart. As mentioned previously it is up to the code official to give a written violation order citing the enforceable code(s) and who an appeal can be made to
Fred Walker
1/18/2024 01:25:41 pm
Normally NFPA 24 applies to “private” water distribution not municpal distribution. Most utilities use AWWA manuals. I did not see any specific separation require in the AWWA manuals I reviewed.
1/19/2024 08:15:16 am
Wouldn't this issues be address in the local building code or NFPA 1 or 5000? And not in NFPA 13, 24.
1/20/2024 03:13:47 am
No distance restriction for FDC. They are commonly located on the external wall (just on the other side of the sprinkler riser system), thus limiting friction losses.
James Art, FPE
1/24/2024 01:53:21 pm
Often here in Ca, water companies insist on a Backflow,
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