We have an NFPA 13R (2019), 4-story apartment. It's Group R-2, Class V-A construction, with open interior breezeways hallways in "garden style". Combined, all floor levels are ~60,000 sqft (~15,000 sqft per floor).
The design includes one 320 sqft storage room and about four 55 sqft storage closets in the interior breezeway per floor that tenants can rent if they choose. All storage rooms and closets have gypsum ceilings. From what I can tell, NFPA 13R-2019 doesn't really address storage like this, so I'd assume to revert back to NFPA 13 in order to protect? Is that a correct approach? Due to the combustible construction - would that trigger coverage above and below ceilings in these spaces? And then - am I permitted to tie into an NFPA 13R system, or would this even need a separate riser? We could have two scenarios - one with rooms 2-hour fire resistance rated from the R-2, and another where it's incidental and not separated. Thanks in advance for your input. Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
Pete H
11/2/2023 07:18:12 am
Check NFPA 13R (2022 edition referenced)
Todd Wyatt
11/2/2023 08:58:43 am
Todd Wyatt
11/2/2023 08:59:18 am
Jack G
11/2/2023 09:26:17 am
In reading thru the question, about a storage room in a 4 story 13R apartment building, I question if 13R is applicable ( if building is subject to inc) as table 601 does not allow 13R in V-A construction. Please review.
Joe F
11/2/2023 10:45:21 am
If NFPA-13R is allowed for your project, then according to NFPA-13R (2019)
R. Scott
11/2/2023 02:30:03 pm
they are "interior" open-ended corridors per the IBC definition, but I see the argument that they are "exterior" of the dwelling unit. We plan to provide coverage in them regardless of if the exception was acceptable.
Jack G
11/2/2023 11:24:55 am
Again I reiterate: the answers above include reference to a 30 minute rating ( reduced from 1 hour per IBC chapter 6)
R. Scott
11/2/2023 02:30:59 pm
the ratings are not reduced, they are 1-hr
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