Have a project where the client is wanting fully-concealed sprinklers, but the project is insured under FM Global. FM does not approve any fully-concealed sprinklers as quick response.
However, under NFPA 13, light hazard spaces are required to have quick response sprinklers. How do you normally address this conflict? Posted anonymously for discussion. Discuss This | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
Clifford Schulze
5/14/2019 10:11:38 am
Most concealer style sprinklers have a dual rating, UL Quick Response, FM standard response. The UL rating satisfies the NFPA requirement, the FM rating satisfies FM Global.
5/14/2019 10:12:04 am
My understanding is that the concealed sprinklers are still UL listed as quick response. Therefore as far as NFPA 13 is concerned you are installing a listed quick response sprinkler. I do not believe there anything in FM that states you need a listed quick response sprinkler in HC-1.
Bruce Seiler
5/14/2019 01:09:58 pm
I agree with the previous comments. Most concealers carry a duel listing. FM does not require quick response. We have installed thousands of concealed sprinklers in light hazard spaces per NFPA 13 and FM requirements.
Brandon Matt
8/15/2024 06:49:53 pm
And you space them at 225 Square Feet?
Wayne Ammons
5/14/2019 02:33:11 pm
Like many instances in this industry, you may ultimately need to have a conversation with the FM representative as well as the local AHJ to come to an agreement on what sprinklers will be allowed.
Wayne Ammons
5/14/2019 02:46:31 pm
I should reconsider my response to align more with the other replies above, I think the dual listing is what will allow you to use the quick response concealed sprinklers in your light hazard space. Taking a quick look through FMDS 2-0, quick response is specified for certain instances but I did not see where they are required for a light hazard/HC-1 occupancy...
5/15/2019 09:14:09 am
Agreed - in the end, its the AHJ that issues the approval. They are, after all the Authority Having Jurisdiction. FM has no jurisdiction other than a voluntary relationship with their insured. And there are numerous HPR insurers out there.
Nimal Tissa Wijetunga
5/14/2019 11:35:06 pm
If it is insured with FM Global, you need to consider FM Global requirements as there is no alternative or other options.
5/15/2019 09:13:38 am
My 2 cents.
Nimal Tissa Wijetunga
5/16/2019 01:09:03 am
I maintained that my position on this issue is correct. Therefore, FM Global maintain Data Sheets searately to any other.
5/17/2019 03:13:35 pm
FM Global Data Sheet 3-26 states that quick response sprinkler heads are to be used in nonstorage wet systems. FM Global is an insurance provider not an AHJ. So if you choose not to follow the Data Sheet by installing a sprinkler head that is not recognized by FMG as a quick response head, but does meet the requirements of NFPA-13, then they can deny coverage in the event of incident.
5/17/2019 03:34:33 pm
Where does FM 3-26 recommend sprinklers be quick response for non-storage wet systems?
FM Global has a specific standard for Clean rooms FM1-56. It specifically stipulates that you must use quick response and that you cannot use a concealed sprinkler head. Thus, we are left with only one option unless someone has a special listed sprinkler head. You must seal from behind the sprinkler. You would have to have a boot system similar to a freezer system.
2/3/2023 01:39:09 pm
Victaulic model V5606, Concealed sprinkler head, quick response, UL/FM approved. Plenty of quick response concealed heads that have full approval out there. Don't know what the poster is refering to.
2/3/2023 01:40:54 pm
David - the V5606 isn't FM Approved for Quick Response, though. It's UL Listed as Quick Response, but only FM Approved as Standard Response. Check the data sheet;
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