I have a horizontal split-case fire pump, with suction taken from the header. The distance from the flange of the tee to the pump flange maintains the minimum 10-pipe-diameters as required by NFPA 20.
However, is the 10-pipe-diameters measured from the flange of the gate valve (OS&Y vale) or from the flange of the tee? I received a comment from a consultant that stated the 10-diameters is to be measured from the OS&Y gate valve flange. Submitted anonymously and posted for discussion. Discuss This | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
8/14/2020 10:17:59 am
I assume you are talking about the requirements for change in direction? If so it is from fitting change in direction to the fire pump suction flange.
Glenn Berger
8/14/2020 10:46:29 am
Concur with FirePE25 - The intent of the requirement is to ensure that the is laminar flow at the pump suction.
8/14/2020 11:07:49 am
from the tee (change of direction)
Louie Lincoln
8/14/2020 01:23:49 pm
I agree for all of the above reasons. It appears that the inspector in question has a problem interpreting what he reads. This happens too frequently.
Colin Lusher
8/14/2020 01:47:12 pm
Concur with the others in saying it is from the change in flow direction, so likely from the tee.
8/15/2020 12:16:11 am
i agree with all the replies, the 10 x dia. should be from the TEE only for horizontal suction connection, it is fairly a thumb rule for the Inspector to check physically at site for conformity of suction side. Gate valve in suction side has low or negligible pressure loss. More over in India we follow a suction pipe velocity of 1.5 m/sec @ 150% flow, which also meets the suction pipe size with minimum pressure loss irrespective of suction orientation for positive suction head.
9/9/2020 02:32:28 am
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