I have a building being renovated into a (A-2) restaurant for a total of three floors with a basement level. All levels are classified an A-2 occupancy. The building is going to be sprinklered and have a fire alarm system.
Now that the project is about 75% to completion, the owner has resubmitted plans to have the roof top used as a A-2 also with an occupant load of about 30 people. The ground floor to the roof is 29-ft. The building is not over 30-ft to require a standpipes, but can it be required now due to the rooftop being used as a occupied floor? Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
Dan Wilder
7/19/2021 07:39:42 am
Unless your local amendments differ, 905.3.1(2) (2015 Ed.) details out the need for standpipes when the highest occupiable floor exceeds 30' from the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Unless the basement level is more than 30'...and hopefully there isn't a permanent stage built on the roof.
Todd Wyatt
7/19/2021 08:32:53 am
The 2021 IBC Section 905 (https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/IBC2021P1/chapter-9-fire-protection-and-life-safety-systems#IBC2021P1_Ch09_Sec905) includes requirements for the locations of Class I Standpipes (e.g. standpipes are required in every Interior Exit Stairway ...) as well as exceptions (e.g. standpipes are permitted in an open corridor between open stairs not greater than 75 feet apart). "Group A buildings" with an Occupant Load >1000 occupants require Class I automatic wet standpipes.
Fred Walker
7/19/2021 10:43:23 am
First question I would ask is the roof deck to be the floor of the new roof level restaurant/bar. From a roofing standpoint you normally do not want folks walking on the the roof surface so a deck is constructed above the current roof surface. Thus the floor of the highest occupied level might well be above the 30ft level.
Pari M Bagayee
7/19/2021 11:49:59 am
Requirements for occupied roof is on IBC section 503.1.4 .
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