One of the curiosities I have every time I run a main drain or see one run is how much flow the system is actually discharging. From the amount of discussion and inquiries one of our tools has generated, I know many of you are curious about it, too. HOW MUCH DOES THE MAIN DRAIN ACTUALLY FLOW? For one – if we knew with some certainty how much flow came through the main drain, then we could actually complete a backflow forward-flow test entirely just by opening up the main drain all the way. That’s the theory, at least, that I’ve heard some people point to as to why they don’t provide another fixed means of forward flow. For a lower hazard system; say a system whose greatest challenge is still Light Hazard – it’s not unfathomable that a fully-open 2-inch main drain could flow at least the system demand (which might be as low as 120 gpm for a minimum quick response (QR) reduction area and 30% overage, no hose allowance included). Even for an Ordinary Hazard Group 2 system using a QR area reduction and 30% overage, the system flow may still be in the 220-250 gpm range. Would a fully open 2-inch main drain be enough to handle it? Or what if that main drain was upsized to 2-1/2 inches? This piques the curiosity, right? IS FORWARD-FLOW ACHIEVABLE THROUGH A MAIN DRAIN? IF SO, WHEN? It would be very nice to have an idea if forward flow was achievable for some of these lighter-weight systems just through the main drain. The Drain Flow Estimator We introduced a tool we called the Drain Flow Estimator tool a while back (, which was built to estimate the maximum possible flow from an inspector’s test or a main drain. That tool only uses one calculation: discharging water through an open orifice: The Drain Flow Estimator calculates the maximum possible flow rate through an opening, but isn't a good way to estimate the actual flow through an opening Let’s say we have a very large water storage tank and poke a hole in the side of it near the bottom. How fast does water drain from the tank? We have a formula for that. It’s Q = 29.84 C d^2 √p. That is, we have a flow (gpm) that is constrained by the type of opening (C, the discharge coefficient), the diameter of the opening (d, in inches), and the total system pressure at the opening (p). We use this regularly when we conduct fire hydrant flow tests. The equation translates pitot pressure to how much flow comes out of the opening. We took measurement inaccuracy into account and built this out into its complete tool for converting pitot pressures to flows ( The Flow Rate Conversion tool takes a pitot pressure and converts it to flow, while doing an error analysis to give a realistic range of accuracy of the combined measurements THE PROBLEM Here’s the problem with using only that equation to estimate flow from a main drain – it’s the maximum possible flow. Now, it meets the need that we had for building the tool—to estimate the maximum possible flow so that we could size drains appropriately (hint: don’t run an inspector’s test or main drain to a janitor’s sink). It serves its purpose of estimating the maximum possible flow. However, the Drain Flow Estimator tool doesn’t provide a realistic amount of flow through the main drain or inspector’s test and drain, only the maximum. That’s problematic if we want to know the actual flow through a Test and Drain or a Main Drain, as discussed earlier. Why is it the maximum and not actual? #1 PIPE CONSTRICTION That is, we’re not accounting for the pipe's constriction between the opening and the riser, the friction loss within the riser itself, the loss through the elbows along that path, or the constriction at the valve opening. #2 TYPE OF PRESSURE Another thing we’re not really considering is the type of pressure that’s measured. When we take a pitot pressure measurement, we insert a tube into the centerline of the water flow. The pressure measurement taken from a pitot gauge accounts for the static pressure of the water (the normal pressure that is exerted in all directions) and the velocity pressure caused by the forward motion of the water. That’s what a pitot gauge is measuring—the total pressure. Measurement taken from a pitot gauge measures total pressure, which is the sum of normal (static) pressure that is exerted in every direction, and velocity pressure that is created from the movement of the water in the stream A gauge on a riser does not measure total pressure; it measures normal pressure. That is, it doesn’t matter if the water is standing still or moving at 20 feet per second. The gauge is only measuring the pressure that runs perpendicular to the pipe in the normal direction. #3 LOCATION OF PRESSURE The last source of error is where the pressure is measured. For a hydrant flow test, we measure the pitot pressure immediately after the hydrant opening. We use the formula and convert it to a flow, knowing the pressure right at that opening. If we instead use this same formula for an open orifice but add a pressure upstream at the riser, then we’re using a higher pressure than what will be available downstream at the opening of the main drain. If we want to know the maximum possible flow, that’s probably fine. That’s the extreme case. But if we want to know the actual flow through the drain, then that’s problematic; it’s another source of error. BUILD A TOOL THAT CAPTURES ACTUAL? So, how would we construct a tool that estimates the actual flow through a main drain? Well, in theory, we could work an iterative loop like this:
As a result of this process, we would have an iterated, balanced supply-side hydraulic calculation that estimates the flow coming through the main drain. If you love the math or the theoretical exercise – weigh in on your take. Open to ideas on this. DOWNSIDE & POTENTIAL MISUSE Now that’s great Joe, so go ahead and build it (typed in sarcastic voice font). We can build it (and probably will because I’m curious). If we do, I’d want to go out to a parking lot and validate this in the real world 30 different ways (looking at you Fire Sprinkler Podcast). But beyond that, there’s a fundamental issue with a calculator like this – it’s still an estimated amount of flow based on a pressure measurement at the riser but with the flow coming out downstream some distance later. AN ESTIMATE BUT NOT REALITY It’s not a measure of the actual flow through the opening; it’s only a calculated estimate. The downside of not being a measurement is that if there’s some wrong assumption—say a C-factor or number of elbows or whatnot—then we introduce inaccuracy. But it's probably hard to detect. What if we have some type of pipe constriction that we can’t see from the outside? Say there’s a large rock or dirt buildup, or the coupon that was cut for the main drain tap is actually smaller than it should be. That constriction would throttle the actual flow down but maintain the same or higher pressure upstream at the gauge. That is – it would look like it’s flowing more water than it actually is. The advantage of measuring the actual flow out of a main drain is that we know with some certainty what the flow is achieving and not an estimate. Fundamentally, I know of two quick(er) ways to measure the flow, even for a main drain. There’s the bucket test, in which you flow into a large 55-gallon drum and time how long it takes to fill it up. Divide your bucket size by the time it takes to fill up, and you then have your average flow. Two of the most-obvious ways to measure flow are to measure a pitot pressure and convert to a flow, or run a hose to a "bucket test" and time how long it takes to fill up the volume. Then there’s the pitot measurement. Connect a test hose with an adapter to the main drain, measure the pitot pressure, and convert it to a flow. Either way, you could measure the flow coming from the opening. That’s far more accurate, of course, than a tool that estimates and incorporates a handful of assumptions. THE UTILITY? Is this kind of tool, that provides a theoretical balanced supply-side flow with the supporting math and documentation, something that would be of interest? Do you see the harm in having an estimate doing more harm than good here? Do you ever use a main drain for forward flow on less hazardous systems, and if so, do you verify what that flow is? Curious on your thoughts about this as a challenge in the lens of trying to create helpful resources and not circumvent or obstruct good practices. As always, appreciate you being here and being part of the community. - Joe
Have you specified or encountered a specification that asks for the pipe to be "as high as possible" in areas with exposed structure?
If so, does that mean we want to pipe through the open web of a structural joist? THEORY VERSUS REAL-WORLD This might be the most classic design versus real-world installation conundrum. Just because something might be possible doesn't necessarily mean it will fit. Well, for some years now, I've asked people I respect how they determine whether a pipe can go into the joist. SHOULD WE ROUTE IN OPEN WEB JOISTS? We might first want to ask whether we should put the pipe in the open web joist, to begin with. If the joists are shallow, not going to be aligned, or will they be interrupted by solid beams and the end of each bay? In those cases, then the pipe really shouldn't be up there anyway. But, assuming we do have some depth to open-web joists, and the joists will be aligned (giving us an open and continuous path to hang the pipe), we still need to know if the pipe will fit. LENGTH OF PIPE THAT WILL FIT The answer from an novice consultant might be - well of course it'll fit. Just cut the length of the pipe down so that it'll fit up there. But where do we draw that line? If we have hundreds of feet of pipe run in an open-structure area, it's going to be a labor and materials nightmare if we have to use 6-ft long sticks of pipe the whole way down. Additional fittings, additional hangers (if we want a hanger on each stick of pipe), additional labor... major cost impact. If we can use cut lengths of 10'-6" (half of a full-length 21-ft stick of pipe), then maybe that cost impact isn't as bad. CALCULATED APPROACHES In asking around, I've found three different calculated methods of determining whether a pipe will fit (mathematically) to slip up and into open web joists. Those three methods, as I can best identify, is a calculated simple method using exponential relationships of the joist depth and gap-between joists (I called it the Simplified Formula, please inform me of a source if you know it). This is the second calculation. The third was originally credited to AFSA's Ed Miller from the 1990's, which I've identified third in the list and seems to generally be the most-conservative of the three calculated concepts. And the main concept is a purely diagrammatical calculated approach based on the visual. The concept is that the slope of the pipe just as it slips past the joist on the right is calculated, the rise of the pipe is calculated and compared against the available open height in the space (can the height of the left-end of the pipe fit underneath an upper-chord?). SKETCHED APPROACH Of course, we can always draft or model up an example and see it for ourselves, but my hope in creating this tool is to shed some light on the practicality of putting pipe up into the joists and help see that relationship come together. ​Below is the tool:
If you like tools like this - you should check out our Toolkit and MeyerFire University (which includes the Toolkit). Plenty more practical tools for everyday use for the fire protection professional. YOUR TAKE Where do you land on this? Have you used any of these methods before, or do you have your own? Do you know where these originated, and if so, point me in the right direction so I can credit the right source? ​Comment below - would love to know your thoughts on the topic and where you see something like this helping. This week we have progress and are continuing the effort to create an open, easy-to-edit and easy-to-digest basic sprinkler specification. The first week we touched on the need and developed the general criteria. Last week we expanded on the feedback and introduced equipment to the spec. This week we’ve adapted the specification based on feedback from you (thank you!) and are adding in the ‘means’ portion of the specification. THE GOAL OF A SPEC Our goal here is to have a simple baseline specification that answers the most critical questions which a specification should resolve, and otherwise stay out of the way. A great specification should:
OUR INTENT This specification is not intended to replace consultant’s own customized specifications that are well thought out, intentional, relevant, and updated. They are intended to be a free, easy-access alternative to stand in for specifications that are boilerplate, don’t answer critical questions, or haven’t been updated in twenty years. Based on your feedback, this week’s updates include references to water storage tank, using an imperative tone, cleaning up portions of the system, adding standpipe and dry system references, and incorporating your comments. YOUR INPUT NEEDED Here are the key areas I'd love to hear from you about as we take the next step in building the specification:
THE 'SPEC GENERATOR' IDEA One of the ideas we threw out initially along with an open-specification was a new specification generator. The basic concept is that you'd play a game of "20 Questions" and in less than a minute you'd have a fully-edited specification. Most contractors I speak don't believe that specification editing actually takes any time at all - mostly because they're used to reading copy/paste boilerplate specification. But consultants know that a well-edited, accurate specification can take hours on each project between selection, making the edits, QC, formatting, and updates. Depending on how many people are involved in the process and how complex the job is, this sometimes takes 2-4 hours just in specification editing. The concept we're working on in parallel with this is a basic specification generator that does the editing for you, and provides meaningful tips on editing along the way. My intent is to pop this right into MeyerFire University with the other tools there about as soon as we're done with the open-spec. Here's a short video on the concept: Don't forget to comment below on the questions we posed. I am very grateful for your input and willingness to push the industry ahead, as always! - Joe Last week I posted the start of an open specification and asked for feedback - and boy did you all not disappoint!
If you haven't read that post, it's where to start. We laid out a few ground rules about what we're trying to achieve. I genuinely appreciate the review, the comments, and the emails. I'm very encouraged by what we'll be able to build together that can improve things for all of us. Who knew putting together specifications could be so fun? Joking - sort of. As you're able to skim through this updated draft, which now includes Part 1 (General) and Part 2 (Products), here are some of the areas worth paying attention in a little more detail: #1 - CHANGED SECTION NUMBER We've updated the specification section number to reflect that this isn't just a wet-pipe specification; it's intended to consolidate many pages of redundancy into our main goal; a concise, easy-to-read and easy-to-edit specification. #2 - NOTE TO NOT FALL BELOW CODE MINIMUM There's a line added under C in the "1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK" that reads "at no time shall work be less than the applicable codes and standards listed below. Proposed alternatives, discrepancies, or questions shall be addressed by written Request for Information." My goal here is twofold; one is that we're protecting the consultant and enabling the contractor to push back in written form. At the end of the day, we need a code-compliant system. The days of turning a cheek or intentionally being above code because a PE said so should be over. The concept with this inclusion in the specification is that if the contractor sees something (anywhere) that is less than code, then they have an avenue to have it addressed formally and an opportunity to clean it up in the project. On the opposite side, the consultant has some relief in that they're clearly not advocating or instructing the contractor to fall below code unless it's in approved written process (such as an approved code-alternative). I hope this to be a win-win opportunity for code-compliance at the end of the day. Like the others - curious on your take. #3 - OPTION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER TO BE AN FPE OR "KNOWLEDGEABLE AND EXPERIENCED" IN FIRE PROTECTION There's a tangible value to being a Fire Protection Engineer (informally an "FPE") specifically. An over-generalization would be that the Engineer has taken the time to study and pass the Fire Protection P.E. Exam, which itself is no small feat. With that effort and focus (which often takes months of preparation even for seasoned Engineers) there's a line in the sand that speaks to that individual 'owning' fire protection as a key area of focus and effort. Being an Engineer who passed the Fire Protection P.E. Exam doesn't make someone more knowledgeable (outside of learning many new facets while studying) nor better than another Engineer, but it does reflect a certain level of dedication to the fire protection field specifically. That said, we as an industry have far fewer Fire Protection Engineers than Professional Engineers in other disciplines (my at least an order of 10-to-1), so mandating that all shop drawings be performed by or under the purview of a Fire Protection Engineer can be impractical. It's a bigger discussion point for sure, but I've modified the specifications to either call for an FPE specifically, or to mandate a Registered Professional Engineer "who is knowledgeable and has experience in the field of Fire Protection." I'd be curious on your take with this as well. #4 - MOVED QUALIFICATIONS TO 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE More of a practical shift here, we had a few requests to move the licensing and qualifications to the Quality Assurance section in 1.5 and out of the Submittal section of 1.4. Seems to make more sense here. #5 - ADDED PART 2 FOR PRODUCTS Since last week we've also drafted Part 2 where we cover Products. This should add a little more 'meat on the bone' and probably queue up plenty of contention points. Let me know what you like and what specifically you would change - all for building a better industry. Click below to view, and thank in advance for helping bring to life a needed resource! One of the frustrating aspects of bidding a fire sprinkler job in North America is when you're reviewing a job and the specifications that accompany it are simply terrible - boilerplate, don't actually provide any useful information, are conflicting, include irrelevant content, or clearly haven't been updated in decades (list no longer manufactured products). One of the ideas we kicked around a couple weeks ago was essentially an "open source" specification. One that we build and curate together and post for open use. This is the first-stab at what "Part I" of an open, basic fire sprinkler specification might look like. SECTION I OF THREE Typical specifications include three parts:
OUR GOAL From our collaborations, posts and discussions thus far, we're all really wanting something that is:
There are other goals too, but those seem to be the reoccurring themes. We explicitly do not intend for this specification to replace consultant's who already update and care for the industry. The beauty of consulting is providing unique value to your clients - this is absolutely not intended to be the only specification available. Rather, we would hope that it could help provide a baseline open-source template where specifications could at least be of this quality level. YOUR INPUT Where we could really use help here is reviewing this initial (very very first) attempt at Part I a basic open spec. I have highlighted GREEN and BLUE areas where a specific selection needs to be made (one or the other). I have highlighted YELLOW additional alternatives which may be less common than a typical, mid-size commercial job. All portions of this specification would be editable, though the highlighted areas would be of particular concern to change and update job-to-job. Take a look, and let us know your thoughts. If you've been long-frustrated about the prevalence of terrible specifications - then this just might be your opportunity to help us clean up the practice: Part II, which comes next, identifies equipment and products that are allowed or not. Part III speaks to the execution of the work - that is, any restrictions on what needs to be achieved. THANK YOU Just want to say a big thank you in advance for helping us really impact the industry in a positive way. I and many others very much appreciate it! - Joe HOW DO WE FIX BAD SPECIFICATIONS?
Last week I touched on a concept of using large language models to instantly review a series of specifications. Thanks for the comments! I’ll write up the step-by-step and incorporate that in a how-to video for posting here and on YouTube. A special shout out to Kimberly Olivas, Brian Gerdwagen and Casey Milhorn on their comments in that thread – very helpful and insightful. The discussion brings me back to two questions I may have inadvertently skipped right over –
A PROBLEM WE CARE TO FIX? If part of a bidding contractor’s value proposition is using their expertise to sort through bad specifications and give an advantage; either in exclusions or clarifications, or change orders later in the process due to inaccuracies, scope not meeting code, or scope gaps. In other words, based on a bidding contractor’s position – there might not be any incentive for them to play their cards for competitors to see through the Pre-Bid RFI process other than a smoother project experience for the owner. A bidding contractor is not a representative of the owner; the consultant is. Ultimately the consultant is responsible for protecting and supporting the owner – which is why they were hired in the first place. Perhaps many contractors don’t look at it that bluntly – but I can understand the sentiment not to tip a hand at project issues when it could mean losing a bid. WHAT’S THE ANSWER? If Pre-Bid RFIs are not the cure-all in today’s pace of estimating – and contractors are not incentivized to be correcting consultant issues – then do we care to actually fix it? For estimators – are bad specifications purely an annoyance for you – or do they cause issues on your projects? Would you prefer that specifications actually be well written? I’m not being facetious – I’d love to know your take on this. ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES If better specifications (and plans) are something we deem better for the industry – and we collectively want better plans and specifications – what is the approach to get there? More specifically, how do we encourage those who don’t really care about fire protection to put a little more effort into their plans and specifications? This was last week’s idea:
Here are some alternative from-the-hip ideas that I’d love to kick around with you and see if you find any of these might be viable: IDEA #1: PUBLISH AN OPEN MICROSOFT WORD FILE BASIC FIRE PROTECTION SPECIFICATION
Do you (1) think this is a problem that should be fixed, and (2) what concepts do you think could make a difference? Comment below – would love to foster a deeper discussion on how we might solve this problem before skipping ahead and creating something that might not be impactful. One of the things that frustrates me to no end about our industry are bad specifications. If you want to skip the story and dive right to the end – my ask today is that you comment below on what you would want an automated tool to check for when it reviews a set of specifications? In other words, what issues have you found in specifications in the past that you would want an ideal tool to check for? I’M GUILTY, TOO Before I dive deeper and sound preachy, I have two disclaimers:
WHAT MAKES A BAD SPECIFICATION? What makes a bad fire protection specification? The most dangerous is probably direction which would not meet code minimum. Ambiguity or conflicting information makes bidding difficult. Mandating things which don’t exist for the rest of the industry (such as velocity limitations in hydraulic calculations) can be unnerving and increase cost unnecessarily. Some of the most obvious parts of a bad specification are mandates for products or manufacturers that no longer exist. The goal of a good specification is the same as the plans – clear, unambiguous communication of what is included and not included in a scope of work. LITTLE RECOURSE
After a project is awarded, a contractor naturally has very little leverage to change the scope of work. Perhaps there are cost-savings options that may be asked of a contractor. Perhaps there’s a change in the project that opens up opportunities to revisit early design decisions. But essentially, after contract award, there’s not a whole lot of leverage against complying with a bad set of specifications. How do we address bad sets of bid documents in our industry? If it’s life threatening and/or egregious, perhaps we could turn people into the governing boards. But how often is that done? How useful is it to permanently burn a bridge for reporting someone that may not even have any consequence? The answer from those I speak with is almost never. Consultants who don’t care about fire protection continue to issue plans and specifications, mostly the same as they always have, with little concern or incentive to change. OUR INITIATIVE Part of creating the community here is recognizing that uplifting everyone makes our industry better. More knowledgeable contractors mean better detailed design and installations. More knowledgeable plan review and inspectors means better policing and better final results across the board. More knowledgeable consultants means that projects flow smoother, owners get what they need, and projects are more timely and on-budget. Part of our responsibility here is to uplift the industry by sharing best practices and making helpful information & tools available that help us all do work better. We have the educational piece (MeyerFire University), we have shorthand tools and cheatsheets. I write posts here. I have ideas in the works on helping improve access to basic, quality sets of specifications. But what about now - as in today? What is the best possible way to actually address a bad set of specifications that will get in the way of a smooth project? PRE-BID RFIs In my opinion, the most underutilized and best way to help foster a smooth project is challenging the scope before bid with a pre-bid RFI. Pre-Bid RFIs (Request for Information) is a documented way to ask questions about the scope of a project before it is bid. These can give an opportunity for a consultant to check their work, check their assumptions, give an opportunity to make a change if necessary, or give a chance to clarify an aspect of the scope. Consultants can choose to play ball – help clarify the job on what should and shouldn’t be included. They can make changes if necessary, and allow bidders to bid apples-to-apples. Contractors can also choose not to play – perhaps double down on the (incorrect) mantra of “this is the contractor’s responsibility to determine”, or something similar. In either case, whether answered or not, Pre-Bid RFIs give the bidders either the information they seek or have greater permission (leverage?) to do as they see fit regarding the scope of the project. SO MORE WORK FOR ME, JOE? Crafting a good pre-bid RFI historically isn’t the easiest thing, though. First – the writer has to digest enough of the project to write something coherent and competent – meaning they need to spend time looking through everything. Second – pre-bid RFIs can sometimes have the presumption that a contractor is causing issues before they’re even on the job. This all comes down to the tone, silly as it might sound. If the pre-bid RFI is accusatory, that’s one thing. But if it’s written to help streamline a smooth project for everyone – then that’s a win for everyone. Third – and perhaps the reason that pre-bid RFIs don’t happen as often as they should, is simply time. Bid days are time crunches. There’s a lot on the line. Going out of your way to clarify a project when you’re already on a time crunch can be tough. This is the piece I’d like to help solve, and I think we can with some of your input. THE CONCEPT What if we had an automated tool that read a set of specifications and generated a helpful, appropriate, Pre-Bid RFI for your project? While you’re reviewing the specifications and putting together your estimate, you do a 3-step copy and paste into ChatGPT (or something similar) that checks a whole host of specification issues and writes a Pre-Bid RFI for you? You could have the time savings (huge), but also have AI do the work for checking for the 30 or 50 or 80 things that have been issues in the past – all stemming from specifications. How convenient would that be? If we could take the onus off of reporting bad players to state boards and instead focused on finding clean, appropriate, and easy ways to help make a project smoother for everyone – without adding any time burden – well that would be nothing short of awesome. What I want to do from here is write a prompt and a step-by-step that I can share back with you all, that incorporates your list of grievances. Essentially – everyone then has access to an easy way to gut-check specifications and get a custom-written Pre-Bid RFI out of it. I need your input though to make it as useful for you as possible: WHAT DO YOU NEED FROM ME JOE? What I would love your input on is your answer to the following: What have you seen in a specification that was clearly wrong which negatively impacted your project? What have you found in a specification that makes bidding difficult, isn’t code compliant, or hurts the project? I’m looking to create a list of checks that AI can do, for you, when it only has access to a project’s specification. Comment below and let me know your thoughts – and in the next few weeks I’ll test and share a prompt and provide instructions back with you on how to use it.
Last week I worked error propagation for a pitot measurement to flow rate conversion.
Because it's a measurement, there is a natural level of precision that we can only estimate that depends on the precision level of each of our measuring points (our tools). Yet, we (maybe just I) often overlooked the concept of measurement error. In this tool (below), I've incorporated the error propagation to suggest a range for the result instead of what we typically express as a near-certain test measurement. So, now, you can convert a pitot pressure into a flow rate and immediately get the error tolerance based on the tools you've used and measurements you've taken. Hardly any additional work. While it may sound trivial, knowing what amount of tolerance we are actually achieving in a test measurement could be the difference between a test pass or test failure - especially in regards to fire pump testing. Check out the tool below, and let me know what you think! It has an IP and SI version built in (I'm finally catching on).
If you're a member of MeyerFire University this will be added to the iOS and Android app automatically.
Thanks and have a great rest of your week! ​- Joe When you conduct a hydrant flow test, how precise is your resulting measurement? Let’s say a flow test summary shows 82 psi static, 54 psi residual at 956 gpm. Is it really 956 gpm? Well, no, of course – but 956 is the best resulting estimate of the flow test with the information and measurements we have at hand. It’s where the dial best predicts. But how precise is that measurement, really? Are we certain that it’s 956 gpm and not 957 gpm, or 960 gpm, or 1,000 gpm? Now of course, a hydrant flow test is a point-in-time measurement. It’s not representative of daily fluctuation or seasonal fluctuation. Let’s save that discussion for another time. What I’m really interested in is when we take a flow test or run a pump test, how accurate are our results, really? SIGNIFICANT DIGITS The concept of significant digits is one simple way avoid suggesting a higher level of precision than a measurement justifies. In other words, if our flow test results said 956.21 gpm, we’re suggesting, based on the decimal placement that we actually know that the value is not 956.4 gpm; it’s instead between 956.2 and 956.3. That’s a level of precision that is suggested by significant digits. Technically, if we had a pitot gauge reading of 9 psi during a flow test, then we would have one significant digit. Using one significant digit is very problematic in flow test results. Q=29.84×C×d²×√P In this flow conversion formula above (the Freeman Flow Formula), we take we take pitot pressure (P), opening diameter (d), and the Coefficient of Discharge (C), to get a resulting estimate of flow through an opening. The problem with using the significant concept is that a pitot reading of a single digit value would mean that we round our resulting flow would yield one significant digit. LOW PITOT MEASUREMENT NFPA 291 actually recommends that pitot readings less than 10 psi should be avoided, if possible. That would mean flowing fewer outlets to get a higher pitot reading to avoid inaccurate readings. So, at least in theory, three 2.5” outlets with a C-factor of 0.90 and a pitot of 9 psi each would result in a flow estimate of 1,511 gpm being rounded to – what – 1,000 gpm or 2,000 gpm? The concept of ‘significant digits’ here would result in massive rounding error. This line of logic is where I was really curious about our flow test results – or really any measurement of flow, such as pump testing. How precise are our measurements? BIG GAUGES, SMALL TICKMARKS If you’ve tried to take a close reading and nitpick the difference between 96 and 97 psi on a 300 psi gauge – that can be extremely difficult to do. Yet, at least in the case of fire pump testing, that result can be the difference between passing or failing a fire pump test. How precise can we read a higher-range gauge with small or grouped tickmarks and a small-diameter face? If you don’t think that’s a high-stakes proposition, then I’d invite you to wrap up final acceptance testing on a federal project with every stakeholder present and watching. It can be high stakes. Perhaps the more appropriate way to understand precision is by doing error propagation on this conversion. Error propagation is a sore point for me, as I pretty much failed every physics lab in college that required it. Time to shed those demons. If you’re not into math, skip ahead to the summary to see where I ended up. I want to show my work here as I haven’t seen this done and I’m very much for transparency and getting feedback, especially when I venture a little beyond my own fenceposts. ERROR PROPAGATION FOR FLOW TEST CONVERSION Error propagation is a fancy way to describe the reliability of the resulting calculation. How precise is the result? That’s what we want to know – and knowing so can help us make more informed decisions in our assessments. A formula with multiple variables, where each have their own uncertainty, the overall uncertainty depends upon how each variable affects the final result. In other words – if I’m not exactly sure about the numbers I’m putting in, how unsure should I be about the answer I get out? IMPACT OF DIAMETER VS. PITOT PRESSURE In this equation, a percentage error in measurement of a diameter could have an outsized effect on the resulting flow since diameter is squared. To run an error propagation on a formula involving variables which are multiplied together, we square the relative uncertainty (change in a measurement divided by the measurement), square them, add them together, and square out the result. EXAMPLE: 60 PSI GAUGE So, let’s say we ran a flow test where we were certain in the Coefficient of Discharge (0.90), we measured and were confident in the diameter of 2.5 inches (within a 1/16th of an inch), and took a pitot reading of two side outlets each at 8 psi using a 60 psi gauge with 1% accuracy. Practically speaking, that’s a very reasonable amount of tolerance of a normal hydrant flow test or fire pump test. With those results, we would calculate a total flow estimate of about 950 gpm. How precise is that flow? (Error in flow test reading measuring opening within 1/16” and pitot with 60 psi gauge) So, with a variation of + 59 gpm, our resulting flow estimate would be 950 gpm + 59 gpm, or a resulting range of between 890 gpm and 1010 gpm. That’s a pretty wide variation – and it’s certainly a lot wider than I would have expected considering we’re using a 60 psi gauge with 1% accuracy. EXAMPLE: 100 PSI GAUGE What would happen if we used a 100 psi gauge with 1% accuracy? (Error in flow test reading measuring opening within 1/16” and pitot with 100 psi gauge) EXAMPLE: 300 PSI GAUGE Taken to an extreme – what if we used a 300 psi gauge to measure pitot? A bad idea for sure (it’s nearly impossible to read sensitive low amounts, and likely in the least-accurate portion of the gauge. But just for kicks: (Error in flow test reading measuring opening within 1/16” and pitot with 300 psi gauge - which we would never recommend doing) EXAMPLE: 60 PSI GAUGE WITH IMPRECISE DIAMETER Now, what if we were less confident in the actual inside diameter of the hydrant side outlet? What if we thought it was 2.5”, but only within an 1/8th of an inch? With our 60 psi gauge: (Error in flow test reading measuring opening within 1/8” and pitot with 60 psi gauge) Yikes! Did you notice that? Even with a 60 psi gauge, if we only know the inside diameter within an 1/8th of an inch, it’s worse than using a 100 psi gauge. Knowing the precise inside diameter is important as it has a huge effect on the level of precision. HOW DO WE IMPROVE PRECISION? Based on the inputs – there are a few key ways to improve the precision of flow test readings when we use pitot gauges to estimate the amount of flow. I’m interested in writing more on this in the coming weeks, but there are a number of ways in which we can improve the precision of our flow testing and have more confidence in our results. #1 MEASURE THE OPENING SIZE First – and probably the most important based on our calculation – is to know the exact diameter of the orifice opening. If we are flowing out the side of an outlet, we actually need to measure, with precision, the inside diameter of that opening. As I’ve been told, not all inside diameters are equal. They depend on the exact make and model of a hydrant. I’ve made this mistake before and assumed all 2.5” side outlets are the same inside diameter. To improve precision, take a careful measurement of the exact inside diameter of the opening down to the 1/16th of an inch. Alternatively, using a factory-created attachment with a factory-milled opening will help define and make that variation go away. A known diameter with a very tight factory tolerance helps us reduce or eliminate this concern altogether. #2 USE SMALLER RANGE GAUGES In general, we want to use the smallest range for the gauge possible. Using a 300 psi gauge to measure anything within 0-30 psi is problematic. Not only is that a less-accurate range for a gauge (near the ends), it’s extremely difficult to read. The tickmarks just become too small to read well. Instead, we want to use the lowest gauge range that’s possible for the test. If we’re expecting results below 100 psi, can we use a 100 psi gauge instead of 200 or 300? If we’re measuring pitot and expecting values under 60, can we use a 60 psi gauge? Even a 30 psi gauge? The bigger the tickmarks and the smaller the range, the better we’re going to be able to see and read the results. Using a lower-range scale gauge can lead to far-easier reading of the gauge, but also be within a more accurate range for the gauge itself. #3 LARGER-DIAMETER GAUGES
This goes against my “travel with small things” concept, but larger-diameter gauge faces are so much easier to read in the field. They cost more. They’re bigger. But man are they easier to pull values from. Again – on an important fire pump closeout with many people all watching – having nice clear results to prove the system works as it should helps. #4 USE CALIBRATED GAUGES For fire pump testing, NFPA 20 requires that all gauges undergo annual calibration testing and be accurate within 1 percent. (NFPA 20-2022 Section For fire hydrant flow tests, that same mandate doesn’t necessarily apply. NFPA 291 is a recommended practice, and requires calibration within 12 months, but is not necessarily enforceable in the same way that NFPA 20 is. Now, if you’re on a federal project and NFPA 291’s “shoulds” become “shalls”, then there are enforceable teeth. But for private practice work, many flow tests are simply run with whatever gauge is on the truck that day. Using a calibrated gauge will obviously hone in for more precise measurement. #5 USE STREAM-STRAIGHTENERS NFPA 291 now specifically states a preference for playpipes or stream straighteners to improve the accuracy of readings. Not only do these address the precise opening sizes we talked about earlier, but they hold the pitot measurements in a fixed-in-place mounting position. This also means we should be measuring at exactly the right center-of-stream location. This is explicitly listed now in NFPA 291 (2022) Section 4.6.2. SUMMARY Doing a little error propagation highlights a few things about the measurement process in a calculated way. We can look at the accuracy of our input measurements an in turn, get a level of confidence about the resulting range of flow from those measurements. The more precise we are able to measure, the more confidence we have in the result – which is both an obvious ‘gut-feeling’ but can also be mathematically proven. YOUR TAKE I’m interested in your take. What are your tips for more accurate readings? What stories do you have about fire pump acceptance testing or hydrant flow tests in this regard? NEXT STEPS I’d like to venture down this rabbit hole just a little further. My next thought is to apply the error propagation concept into a quick calculator tool where you could see your error range yourself – and experiment with different situations. You might just find an error range based on your normal test equipment that could present your test results in a more appropriate and transparent way. That's TBD (to be developed). Thanks for reading – and, as always, for fighting the good fight. Have a great rest of your week. - Joe A couple weeks ago we updated the NFPA 13 shop drawing checklist with new references to the 2019 and 2022 Editions of NFPA 13. With the 2022 update, the NFPA 13 Committee revamped the list of requirements for “working drawings” in the 2022 Edition. It was pretty much gutted and rewritten. DOES A 2022 UPDATE CHANGE ANYTHING? What impact does this actually have for me or my team? Who uses the 2022 Edition right now? Well, perhaps no local jurisdictions have adopted the 2022 Edition yet. Perhaps that’s a few years away still. But what about US Federal work, which references the latest standard edition at the time of the job posting? Or large corporate or healthcare users who might mandate adherence to the latest codes & standards? Or, what if we’re just being prudent and looking to be ready to adapt when it is enforced? Well, yes then, it could have an impact on your process whether you’re creating the working drawings or reviewing them. Here’s the list of noteworthy changes to the working drawing list as I understand them. Please note that I’m far from a Committee member and it’s only my interpretation of the list. As this plays out in time, I’m sure plenty of gray areas will get sorted out in online discussions, informal clarifications, or code changes. The list of shop drawing requirements went through an entire revamp with the 2022 Edition. #1 SHOW THE MEANS OF FORWARD FLOW (ADDED IN 2019) A means of conducting a forward-flow test has long been required, but historically overlooked or was possibly achievable by flowing out of a fire department connection or main drain (for very low hazards). We talked about the big change for a fixed means of forward flow that was introduced in 2019 and clarified in 2022. How does this affect shop drawings? Well, we now need to locate and identify the means of forward flow on the plans [NFPA 13-2019 Section 27.1.3(25) and 2022 Section 28.1.3(18)]. The location and labeling of the means of forward flow is required in the 2019 and 2022 Editions of NFPA 13. #2 THE BUILDING CROSS-SECTION WAS REMOVED If you’ve ever prepared or seen a random building cross-section on shop drawings (with no pipe or sprinklers shown), that’s because NFPA 13 had a requirement showing a full-height cross section that showed ceiling construction, protection for non-metallic pipe, and structural member information. This was a constant source of review comments, which does help clarify what’s going on, but is only a single slice of a building that otherwise could be very complex. In the 2022 Edition, the list goes away from the building cross section and instead requires identification and locations of major structural members [2022 28.1.3(11)], labels of Obstructed or Unobstructed where applicable [2022 28.1.3(11)], and ceiling heights labeled on the plans [2016 23.1.3(45), 2019 27.1.3(5), and 2022 28.1.3(9)]. From a matter of design and practicality, showing ceiling heights and structural members on the plans themselves helps us all communicate a bit better. Showing all the ceiling heights, structure, and Obstructed vs. Unobstructed with plan labels was something I incorporated a few years ago and helped me be more disciplined during design. It also beats out a single-slice section of a building that may or may not actually clarify how much of the building is being constructed. A building section that doesn't detail sprinklers or pipe, nor is at a position or scale that effectively communicates the relationship of structure, ceilings, and coverage - doesn't do a lot of good. It may not have been the original intent of NFPA 13 anyway. The NFPA 13-2022 Edition removed the requirement for a whole-building cross section but added plenty of labels and requirements to the floor plans to adequately address the original reason for inclusion. #3 LIGHTS, DIFFUSERS, AND OTHER CEILING FIXTURES Many bid specifications require that lights, diffusers and other ceiling-mounted devices (fire alarm, occupancy sensors, etc) be shown on sprinkler working drawings. Doing so certainly helps prove that the ceilings have been coordinated – or at least other systems considered. But now that’s been codified. In the 2022 Edition, Section 28.1.3(8) requires diffusers, lights, and other ceiling fixtures or major MEP equipment just above or below the ceiling be shown on the sprinkler working plans. This seems easy enough to require for a consultant – but for a sprinkler contractor, pulling in this information can be a chore – especially if the sprinkler subcontractor doesn’t get a full set of CAD plans to begin with. Hopefully, with this being codified, a sprinkler contractor’s request for CAD backgrounds on this information gets a little easier to push back up the food chain. We know lights, diffusers, and other ceiling fixtures will be on a project. Now we're required to have them on sprinkler installation plans. #4 PLACARD INFORMATION Hydraulic Data Nameplate information has long been required to be shown on the working drawings, but now the hose demand, method of calculation, and total flow and pressure have been added to the list. This comes from the 2022 Edition, 28.1.3(23c). #5 OWNER’S CERTIFICATE INFORMATION NFPA 13 has long required that a signed Owner’s Certificate to be submitted with working drawings (1999 8-1.1.2, 2022 14.1.4, 2007-10 22.1.4, 2013-16 Section 23.1.4, 2019 Section, 2022 Section 28.1.4). Now, with the 2022 Edition, required information from the owner’s certificate is required to be shown on the plans [2022 28.1.3(14)]. This includes storage materials, storage heights, water supply information, and whether seismic bracing is required. This is discussed in more detail in 2022 Edition Section 4.2. The Owner's Information Certificate has been a requirement to be included with working drawings, but now the required information from it is also required to be shown on plans, starting with the 2022 Edition. #6 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR EACH SPACE The 2022 Edition clarifies that design criteria for each room or space be shown on the plans, including hazard classification everywhere, and commodity classification, storage type, configuration, height, and packaging for storage areas [2022 Section 28.1.3(15)]. That’s often critical yet hard-to-find information for plan review. This clarification puts some teeth to requiring that information be shown on plans. #7 FLEXIBLE DROP INFORMATION The 2022 Edition introduces requirements to indicate corresponding k-factor, length, manufacturer, maximum number of bends, minimum bend radius, and model for flexible drops when they’re used [2022 Section 28.1.3(17b)]. While many designers already indicated at least some of this, having the maximum number of bends and minimum bend radius on the plans could go a long way in helping on-site inspection make sure that the install actually adheres to the design intent. Not a terrible idea. #8 MORE SEISMIC DETAIL The 2022 Edition requires more detail on several seismic bracing components. These include design angle categories, flexible coupling locations, locations of seismic components, maximum spacing, penetration clearances, and zones of influence all to be shown on the plans [2022 Edition Section 28.1.3(22)]. IMPACT FOR PLAN REVIEWERS The “working drawing” revamp in the 2022 Edition shakes up an area of the code that hasn’t changed much in some time. For plan reviewers, this is a welcome relief. Many of the updates and additions are simply requiring pockets of information that a plan reviewer needs to know for proper review, but is really difficult to surmise if they’re outside of the design development process. Having teeth to require that commodities and storage arrangements and Obstructed & Unobstructed be identified on the plan will go a long way in checking due diligence has been done in key areas. IMPACT TO DESIGNERS For designers? This could be a tall ask. There’s some major adjustment here. For designers who traditionally have been very thorough in plan preparation and documenting each step of the process, this will be more of a matter of simply sharing some of that documentation. For designers that may not have gone into this level of depth – there’s certainly going to need to be more time dedicated to the process. More time to ask the owner for input. More time to ask for more complete backgrounds for coordination. More time to document, label, and identify details on plans. It’ll take more time. If designers already feel crunched by design time budgets, then it’ll be be an adjustment for everyone. IMPACT TO ESTIMATORS For estimators? When the 2022 Edition (or later) gets enforced, plan on designers needing some additional time to take this on. Time adds for design will be greatest for buildings with storage, seismic projects, or jurisdictions who provide thorough review. There’s plenty of teeth to the the updated list, so it’s less of a “well these things are technically supposed to be provided in the spec” and instead “NFPA 13 requires this to be shown.” Less room to maneuver, in other words. TAKEAWAYS Personally, I like these changes. They allow for clearer communication of intent, which is the point of drawings in the first place. It’ll allow designers to be more thorough in their process. While that might sound contradictory (why would a designer want to be pushed to be more thorough?), many good designers lament that the pace and expectation for flying through design is too fast. Having NFPA 13 be the backbone of what needs to be submitted gives designers a tangible justification to do a more thorough (better) job. The NFPA 13 requirements can play the part of the villian, not the designer who’s trying to do things at a depth that they feel is needed. Hope you enjoyed the recap here, and that you have a great rest of your week. Keep up the good work. - Joe |
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January 2025