On Wednesday, the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (organization who handles PE Exam development and test writing), released the required references and editions for the 2017 P.E. Exam.
Items in question since last year's exam included whether the 4th Edition of the SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering and 2014 Edition of NFPA 25 would still be utilized. Both were removed, as well as NFPA 72 (National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code) altogether. Here's the required references for the 2017 Fire Protection PE Exam: NFPA Fire Protection Handbook, 20th Edition (Amazon, NFPA) NFPA 13: Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2016 Edition (Amazon, Free Access) NFPA 25: Inspection, Testing, & Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, 2017 Edition (Amazon | Free Access) NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, 2015 Edition (Amazon | Free Access) NFPA 101: Life Safety Code, 2015 Edition (Amazon | Free Access) SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 5th Edition (Amazon) In recent years developers of the Fire Protection PE Exam have stressed the importance of moving the exam away from code and standard recitation and instead towards fundamentals of the fire protection engineering as outlined primarily in the NFPA and SFPE Handbooks. That appears to certainly be the case in this year's update with the removal of NFPA 72 as part of the requirement materials. Here at MeyerFire we're keeping busy with just a month left before our launch of the 2017 MeyerFire PE Prep Guide. The new edition of the guide will match all of the required references for this year's exam with a full-length peer-reviewed practice exam and 100 additional practice questions. You can Pre-Order the Guide now for our best price and for arrival before the end of May.
4/29/2017 07:43:39 am
I have the 4th edition of the SFPE handbook, not too keen on shelling out $$$ for 5th edition.... do you think it is necessary to purchase 5th edition for the 2017 exam?
5/1/2017 05:03:49 pm
While the 4th edition contains most of what is in the 5th. There have been some editions which would be fair game. What's annoying is that they are not updating the Review manual which references the 4th edition of the handbook.
From what I can tell in terms of content, the far majority is similar if not the same between the two editions. Will the difference in edition affect more than a few problems for this year's exam? Probably not.
5/3/2017 04:45:20 pm
Another question... do you think the NFPA Fire Protection Handbook is necessary? I have all the other references and ordered the MeyerFire Prep guide. Prefer not to spend $240 for 3,500 pages unless it is actually very helpful for the exam. Thanks again. Definitely - the NFPA Handbook volumes are an integral part of the exam and have been growing in emphasis over the past several years. The material in these volumes has been well refined over the years, and they are very well written. Unfortunately for the cost, they're a must for the exam. If you buy hard copies, you could always resell afterwards and recoup most (if not all) of your initial purchase price.
Diaa Magdy
11/24/2017 03:38:58 am
Could you advis is this “SFPE Reference/Answer Manual for the P.E. Exam in FP, 4th Edition”
Joshua Milks
4/4/2018 06:42:17 pm
So around $2,000 for the required references, the exam registration, and your State Registrarion? Comments are closed.
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