One of my wanted items on my personal to-do list was a full lineup of flow charts that incorporate discharge coefficients coming off a fire hydrant. These (in my line of work) are most commonly used in fire hydrant flow tests, where flow comes out of the side (commonly 2-1/2") outlets or the main pumper outlet (single 4" or larger). So what is a discharge coefficient? When we flow out of an orifice, water is restricted and forced into a smaller cylindrical shape. The discharge coefficient is what helps us adjust the measured pitot pressure, which is taken along the centerline of the stream, and adjust for about how much flow is coming through the opening. It's simply comparing the size of the actual stream against the size of the opening. When a long straight stream-straightener is used, this coefficient is high. The stream is less tightly condensed as compared to the opening dimension. When water takes a more difficult approach and is restricted in its flow, this coefficient is lower. Discharge Coefficients as Identified in NFPA 291 We'll discuss this in more detail later. For today, we've created flow charts for these three different discharge coefficients. See the PDF link below to get access to all three flow charts, broken out across a number of different orifice sizes. Thanks for being a subscriber and being part of our story. We're all about sharing helpful content and finding ways to support the industry by making you, the fire protection pro, shine. We hope information like this is helpful.
Thanks & have a great week!
Kevin LaRose
7/14/2021 01:51:59 pm
Thank you for this chart. I always apply the correct coefficient on my flow tests but I still don't understand why we would take the results from our flow test which is after the hydrant outlet and use a coefficient to make the results worse. Aren't our readings already worse than what we have available before the hydrant outlet?
Joe Meyer
7/14/2021 02:51:37 pm
I've thought about this quite a bit myself.
Brian Gerdwagen FPE
8/3/2021 02:45:25 pm
Do the larger diameter pumper outlets include the extra reducing coefficient per Table 4.8.2?
Joe Meyer
8/3/2021 03:02:50 pm
No - the pumper coefficient needs to be in ADDITION to the coefficients applied above.
David Kulbacki
9/22/2021 03:22:52 pm
In my area many designers use the main test/drain or one of the FDC inlets to conduct forward flow for the double check backflow assembly. They use the velocity pressure pitot equation to demonstrate that they will achieve the system demand flow. During the acceptance testing, I verify that the system demand is achieved by measuring with a pitot gauge and calculating the flow.
9/22/2021 03:24:46 pm
Great question David - we're going to throw this in the Forum queue as I think it'd be a good discussion point. Thanks for commenting! Comments are closed.
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January 2025