We've rounded out another year of Fire Protection PE Exam Prep - and with that around here we're turning our attention to the next edition of the PE Prep Guide, which will be the 2023 Edition that will debut early next year. That said - we have limited copies of the old 2020 Edition that I'm told is no longer allowed to be stored on the premises. They must go! (Imagine the old cheesy car dealership commercials pleading that they have to get rid of cars to make room for new ones, that pretty much sums it up here) FLASH SALE Until they're all sold, the old 2020 PE Prep Guides are only $50 + shipping. If you've wanted a reference book of key formulas explained with over 200 worked examples matching the older Fire Protection PE Exams? Maybe a nice reference book for the shelf? Maybe an early start to get an idea of what the PE Exam has in it for some years down the road? Here's a great time to pick up a copy. Again, this sale is only good while we still have copies available (and we only have limited copies), and is only good for the 2020 Edition. We unfortunately will not be reprinting or adding more books to this sale. Once they're sold, the sale is done.
NEXT (2023) EDITION With some tweaks to the NCEES references and some additional questions and updates to the book, we are looking to complete a new 2023 Edition of the PE Prep Guide. In the interim, we do still also have copies of the 2021 Edition available and hope to still over those through the rest of this year. Comments are closed.
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January 2025