It's that time of year to find someone who is taking the PE Exam and give them a hug. Or don't, because that's kind of unprofessional, but do be very empathetic. It's always clear from my end that there are so many people who are spending lots of time preparing for the big day on October 26th. Interest Way Up Thanks in large part to word of mouth from those who had purchased the PE Prep Guide and Weekly Exam series in past years and the use of the guide in the 2018 SFPE Online Course, I've seen a major uptick in interest this year. As an estimate from the overall participation in last year's exam, roughly 2/3rds of all examinees this year will walk into the exam room with the 2018 Edition of the Prep Guide. That's very encouraging and I thank you all who have promoted the book and continue to give feedback to help make it better for others. I'm shipping copies daily with even more in inventory, so if you're looking to get a copy you can still get one today. Big Impact with Weekly Exam This year was the first summer I've been able to use data from last year's users to refine and improve the questions. It's been a major improvement over last year and I am glad to continue to get positive feedback and interest. The Leaderboard posted weekly on the Daily page shows these all-stars at work. I think each year the folks studying seem to get better and better in their preparation and this year is no exception. We've had some requests for even more problems (above the 300 in the weekly exams and the on-demand series), so I've just opened 4-hour and 8-hour exams that mixes old problems from weeks 1-18 to test yourself again. If you're a Weekly Exam user you can see those here. Checklist of Resources Occasionally around this time of year I hear from a few people that don't know about some of the available prep materials. Here's a short list to make sure you're taking advantage of everything available. 1. A list of all Fire Protection PE Exam materials I know 2. Join the free private Facebook group with many great discussions and questions about the exam 3. Daily PE Exam Problems (over 90 to date) 4. PE Prep Guide and Weekly Exam Series, with Errata Last Exam Tips If you have a copy of the Prep Guide you already know there's quite a bit of detail on exam advice passed down through the years included in the book. For this summer I'd just like to say to remember that no matter how hard you've prepped, there will be questions that seem to come completely out of left field, are over-emphasized in the exam, or are worded poorly. Not only do some of these questions not even end up graded, but remember that everyone else taking the exam will have a similar experiences. All you can do is your best and forget the rest! Comments are closed.
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January 2025