MeyerFire PE Prep Series (Weekly Exams)
Important Update:
The PE Prep Series has now moved entirely to MeyerFire University!
MeyerFire University offers a comprehensive and interactive learning experience for those preparing for the PE exam. Our online platform provides all the resources you need, including weekly exams, detailed solutions, and study materials, all in one convenient location.
We've made upgrades in guided self-study, new practice questions, new challenges, and live analytics that give you real-time feedback on your progress and chances of passing the Fire Protection P.E. Exam; all based on over six years of real data.
We could not be more excited about these improvements in being more impactful and helpful in your P.E. Exam prep journey. More to come in September!
To learn more about MeyerFire University, visit
Where can I find more practice?
Am I preparing enough?
How does my prep compare to others taking the exam?
The MeyerFire PE Prep Series is the ultimate prep tool for preparing for the Fire Protection PE Exam. It's a 20-week series of timed 1-hour, 10-question simulated PE Exams. We simulate the types of questions and pace of the exam with instant graded solutions emailed immediately following each exam.
In 2017, 80% of those who took the 20-week challenge passed the PE Exam, ahead of the industry average.
Have a little fun, practice consistently, track your improvement and your peer ranking week-to-week with our best method of simulating the actual test environment.
This series has doubled in interest each year we've launched it and it has grown into a supportive and encouraging environment across those who have taken part. We even award plaques to the top 3 overall winners!
After the first four weekly exams of 2017, we surveyed our users anonymously and every single respondent said they would recommend the Series to a friend. We did the same after the 2018 exam and every respondent said they would recommend it. Here's what they said:
"First, thanks for putting together a very comprehensive set of study materials. Had I not taken the practice exams and studied your compendium of equations and references I would have not had any chance of passing th
e FPE exam. During the exam I used both!"
"They have a ton of practice problems that help prepare you for the exam and give you confidence. One problem you know how to solve immediately is one problem in the "correct" bag for you."
"The test format was similar to the practice exams."
"I feel well prepared you have a great system."
"The tests were helpful for getting a feel of the test conditions/timing constraints."
"Your resources and community have been invaluable in getting ready for [the exam]."
"Although I wasn't able to do the weekly questions on a consistent basis, I greatly enjoyed doing them when I had time and definitely feel that they helped me in my preparations."
"The weekly exams were very helpful and definitely were worth it to me, thank you for offering this resource."
How does it work?
Each week (on Monday) a 1-hour, 10-question exam is published for distribution. Users have one sitting to complete the timed exam, which can be taken anytime before midnight on the following Sunday. Immediately after taking the exam, full solutions are emailed to the user along with immediate grading.
How do the MeyerFire questions compare to the PE Exam?
This is a great question that we pay a lot of attention to each year. See how those who take the Prep Series and the PE Exam have fared here: With the Prep Series, you get a real-time indication of how you're doing and can compare that against years of examinee data.
What is the PE Pass Rate for those who took the MeyerFire Prep Series?
We're tracking that! See the compiled pass rate data in this article:
After purchasing, how soon can I take my first exam?
Within 12 hours of payment, you will be able to access the current weekly test using the email you have purchased with on our Prep League dashboard here.
Is there a physical product I need to wait to receive?
No - the series is 100% online and ready for your use once you're in the system.
I'm interested in purchasing exams with dates that have already passed. Will I be able to take past exams if I purchase now?
Yes, access will be provided to the sessions bought. If an exam date has already passed, however, then your score won't be published in our weekly score summary.
Are the MeyerFire Weekly Exam problems different than the free daily PE Problems or the problems in the MeyerFire PE Prep Guide?
Yes, no questions in the Series are exactly the same as what is in the MeyerFire PE Prep Guide or the free daily sample problems. However, since the test focuses on specific topics and has specific recurring themes and questions, many problems will be similar in nature but will still not be exactly the same.
Can I take the same exam multiple times?
In order to get accurate comparisons and simulate the actual test environment, each weekly exam can be taken only once. In addition to the regular series, there is an unlimited "on-demand" test that can be taken which pulls from a separate question bank.
When are the exams released?
See the 20-week schedule here: MeyerFire PE Prep Series.
To get access to the PE Prep Series (coming to MeyerFire University in September 2024), visit