NCEES Submitted Questions Tracking
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- Virtual Origin of Other Fire Types: SFPE (5th, p413) lists convective heat release rate while NCEES lists total heat release rate.
- 7.2.23 differs from established handbooks (NFPA's FIre Protection Handbook Equation (9) on page 18-65).
- 8.4.2: It's on Page 105 (111 of the PDF) 8.4.2 for the constant C. NFPA 68 shows this factor calculated differently and it looks like this was copied incorrectly from NFPA 68.
- 9.2.5: Value "R" appears to be in minutes, but is in hours. R is labeled as minutes for the column/unprotected equation on p4-306 of the 4th edition of SFPE, but that doesn't apply to the column/spray applied formula just two rows down that we're using. Check out the example on the next page (4-307) or if you're in the 5th edition, the formula and example on page 1922. The equation's value for R is actually in hours. That formula is based on UL X772, and here's the origin from UL: .
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