Are there any universal, non-AHJ-specific requirements for permitting sprinkler alterations and/or repairs?
I have been told that “code” requires a permit to be pulled for any and all sprinkler alterations. Upon further questioning, I determined that this came from a fire marshal showing my colleague something in the IBC once, but, even if that were true, wouldn’t that still require adoption and implementation by a jurisdiction? Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
Dan Wilder
5/14/2024 07:57:11 am
IBC/IFC Chapter 1, Sections 101, 102, 103, 105, 105 (**Permits**), 107, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116 for example.
Mike Bauer
5/14/2024 08:17:40 am
Section 105.7.1 of the International Fire Code States "A construction permit is required for installation of or modification to an automatic fire-extinguishing system. Maintenance preformed in accordance with this code is not considered to be a modification and does not require a permit".
5/14/2024 08:38:54 am
This is a good question! Lots of designers, installers and just everyday people do not realize the role the International Building Codes (IBC, IFC, IMC etc.)have in interaction with the NFPA's. If a state has adopted the IBC then it is part of the state laws and regulations. This means that the "Code" is the IBC/IFC and everything else is a "Standard" that is referenced. You do not apply any portion of a NFPA unless it is referenced in the IBC/IFC (Chapter 80). for instance the NFPA 13R does not specifically reference balconies in an apartment building but the IFC does and as such, the requirements of the IFC take priority as the code. This gets really tricky when dealing with FM standards. FM is not referenced in the IFC and as such is not pat of the code or the standard. FM data sheets are outside the scope of the NFPA 13. Technically they can be allowed as Alternative Means and Method but needs approval from the AHHJ to use them. I hope this helps.
5/14/2024 08:42:25 am
NFPA 1 has a section for permits.
5/14/2024 01:39:44 pm
Came here to echo Brett and add:
5/14/2024 08:47:20 am
NFPA, IBC and its sub-iterations are inherently NOT law or ordinance. They have to be adopted by a governing body i.e. city council, county council, state legislature, etc.
5/14/2024 09:07:06 am
That is not entirely true throughout the nation. Some states, such as Washington, has the adoption of the IBC in the WAC (Washington Administrative Code) other states like California it is under Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. Some states leave it up to the individual AHJ's.
Jack G
5/14/2024 08:56:57 am
Its in IBC.
5/14/2024 09:06:51 am
There is no requirement per IBC or NFPA code to obtain a permit to begin work. That is left up to the locality. Gov't selects the codes to follow and adds fees to review plans.
5/14/2024 10:07:04 pm
please reread the permits section in the ifc or ibc
James Art, FPE
5/15/2024 02:50:12 pm
Some owners, like the gov't are not subject to local or state inspection.
5/15/2024 08:02:10 pm
does the GSA not cover the post office?
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