I had thought the presence of the elevator itself does not necessarily require a sprinkler system if the building does not require a sprinkler system.
For example, if a two-story, type II-B, Business (B) Occupancy building is under 23,000 sqft, the IBC does not require a sprinkler system to be installed. Therefore, the hoistway or the EMR would not require sprinklers. I’ve had elevator designers argue that the presence of hydraulic fluid requires sprinklers. I disagree, however; hydraulic fluid is typically a Class III-B flammable liquid. In the example above a two stop elevator would have less than 1000 lb (~150 gal) of hydraulic fluid which does not trigger any Hazardous Occupancy as the control area volume limit for closed-use systems is 13,200 gallons. Is this the correct approach to take? Does the presence of the hydraulic fluid or any other component of an elevator trigger sprinkler requirements for the rest of the building? Posted anonymously for discussion. Discuss This | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
Paul Pinigis
3/18/2020 10:23:01 am
I have never heard anyone take this approach, and I see nothing in the code that would require a sprinkler system simply because there is an elevator.
Thomas Reinhardt
3/18/2020 10:54:18 am
You are correct. if the building already has a 13 system then yes the hydraulic fluids and combustibility of the shaft come into play for sprinklers.
Thomas Jones III
3/18/2020 11:00:08 am
In the State of Montana we are required to get permission from the state elevator inspector to omit a fire sprinkler in the situation you described.
David T Williams, FPE
3/18/2020 11:34:28 am
It would seem this is the opportunity for a domestic water connected head (or two) and not a full system unless otherwise required.
Jesse Cecil
3/18/2020 02:33:43 pm
Class IIIB Combustible Liquid. Not flammable. Sorry. Pet peeve of mine ;)
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