We have a multistory building with horizontal exits which require additional hose valves on each side of the door.
International Fire Code Section 905.4.1 addresses the protection of the standpipes, stating it must be equivalent to the rating required for the vertical enclosures of the building (e.g. egress stair) and the exception relieves the requirement for shaft protection of the laterals (e.g. interconnection). However, there is no relief for protection of the vertical standpipes supplying the additional hose valves. In the past, I have typically seen the additional vertical standpipe risers in the corridor wall separating the corridor from the units (1 hour) and fire stopped at the floor penetrations. However, according to this code section a 2-hour shaft is required. Is there some relief of the 2-hour shaft requirement for additional standpipes outside of the stair enclosure? If so, can you please guide me to the code reference? If the shaft enclosure is required, would it also apply to the 2-1/2" feed serving the valve on the opposite side of the horizontal exit door? I appreciate the insight. Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
8/15/2024 07:27:31 am* Standpipe systems shall be protected in accordance
Jack G
8/15/2024 10:32:43 am
Spot on Anthony.
8/15/2024 10:55:48 am
Typically, yes, the 2 hour enclosure is required, but it depends on the building. The rating has to be equal to the other vertical opening ratings in the building. If the stairwells are enclosed by 2 hour construction, then the standpipes outside the stairwells have to be protected by a 2 hour fire rating. I haven't typically seen this a true "shaft" but just a 2 hour chase on each floor.
8/15/2024 10:56:43 am
*vertical enclosures, not openings.
Todd E Wyatt
8/16/2024 08:06:07 am
Class I and Class III Standpipes NOT located within an Interior Exit Stairway (IES) require fire-resistance rated (FRR) protection equal to the IES.
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