Imagine you have a 6-unit, true townhouse-construction building covered by the 2018 IRC under construction. It has an NFPA 13D sprinkler and a one-hour separation between units, but there is one common closet for the sprinkler riser and domestic water main. This closet is accessed only through a door on the exterior and is under the control of the landlord, not the tenant.
What is the code path to require any fire separation between that closet and the dwelling units? There is no dog house off the side. The IRC only seems to call out separation between units, and even if you go into the IBC, it is not apparent. Thanks in advance. Sent in anonymously for discussion. Click Title to View | Submit Your Question | Subscribe
Pete H
7/29/2024 06:51:10 am
Often in local codes.
Dan Wilder
7/29/2024 08:22:16 am
It may be considered a Fire Partition and subject to Chapter 7, 708.1-708.3 or possibly 708.4 for Supporting Construction.
Ricardo Gonzales Jr
7/29/2024 09:24:27 am
Using the IRC which requires separation between units. It's a separate unit. Not accessible by the Tenant of the living area, but by the Landlord/fire department without entering said unit.
Lauritz Rasmussen
7/29/2024 09:27:01 am
Ricardo Gonzales Jr got it exactly right. Separate unit, fire separation required.
7/29/2024 01:30:01 pm
This was my question so let me expand on why this wasn't considered as straightforward as this... I wish it was, that was my contention.
Jack G
7/29/2024 10:59:17 am
Exactly Ricardo.
Jerry Clark
7/29/2024 11:39:55 am
The common closet containing the sprinkler riser and domestic water main is considered a utility space. IRC Section R302.4.1 addresses the protection of penetrations through fire-resistance-rated walls. Even though this closet is not accessible from inside the dwelling units, it's crucial to ensure it doesn't compromise the fire-resistance-rated wall between units.
Todd E Wyatt
7/30/2024 07:51:16 am
Fire-resistant construction for townhouses is prescribed by IRC-2018 Section R302 Fire-Resistant Construction. The (2) conditions listed for “walls separating townhouse units are Double Walls or Common Walls.
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